
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tara Steinke from CTN Expo is coming!

Tara will be hosting our MAA Department Quarterly Social on the first Tuesday of the quarter, October 5th from 12-1pm in rooms 145-6-7.

She will be giving us the latest info on this year's Expo. Last year's kickoff event was a huge success and she wants more Ai students and faculty to attend. (She may be raffling off some prizes...)
We'll also have food, drinks, and other prizes.
November 19-21 in Burbank


Monday, September 13, 2010

"Waking Sleeping Beauty" 9/25 and 9/26 at Ken Cinema

Thanks to Trisha Allex for alerting me to this:

Check it out! It's screening the weekend after finals end! This documentary is about Disney Animation Studios from around 1980 to 1992...   --Jason
By the mid-1980s, the fabled animation studios of Walt Disney had fallen on hard times. The artists were polarized between newcomers hungry to innovate and old timers not yet ready to relinquish control. These conditions produced a series of box-office flops and pessimistic forecasts: maybe the best days of animation were over. Maybe the public didn't care. Only a miracle or a magic spell could produce a happy ending. Waking Sleeping Beauty is no fairy tale. It's the true story of how Disney regained its magic with a staggering output of hits - "Little Mermaid," "Beauty and the Beast ," "Aladdin," "The Lion King," and more - over a 10-year period.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

contest - "17 Swedish Designers"

what does 17 mean to you?

Are you a thriving artist with design ambitions? Join our 17 Swedish Designers Art Competition for a chance to see your artwork on t-shirts all over town!
As the exhibition 17 Swedish designers comes to visit San Diego, October 9-30, the Consulate of Sweden arranges a design competition for students at local and regional art schools and others with interest in design, art and fashion. The winning artwork will be printed on 100 t-shirts and displayed on Planet Rooth Studios in Hillcrest. The winner will be announced at the opening ceremony on October 9th.

The theme for the competition is 17. The beauty with the number 17 is not only that it corresponds to the number of participating designers in the exhibition. There are endless ways of interpreting the theme. 17 is not at all a random number. In fact, according to several studies, the number 17 is the least random number between 1-20, meaning that if people are asked to pick a number between one and twenty, 17 will be the most commonly chosen number. The number 17 also represents an age when many things happen in the lives of most adolescents. Both ABBA and Kings of Leon sing about it. In the periodistic table, group 17 is the Halogens. And did you know that the Swedish word for 17 is considered a mild swear word?

What does 17 mean to you?

The competition is open to all participants.
Submissions are accepted September 5-20, 2010.
All contestants must hand in their artwork through e-mail to
EPS format
The file should not exceed 15mb (final piece must be in high resolution)
The artwork should be accompanied by a short explanatory statement (max 150 words)

The Winner
The winner of the 17 Swedish Designers Art Competition will receive a $200 stipend. The winning artwork will be printed on 100 t-shirts and distributed among the 17 Swedish Designers exhibition guests. One t-shirt, accompanied by its explanatory statement and the name of the winner will be on display at Planet Rooth Studios October 9-30, 2010.
The jury will consider the following criteria:
Quality of composition and design.
Clarity of the theme and explanation.
Creativity and originality.
Overall impression; the effect of the project as a whole.

Click here to see the competition rules.

Red Giant Software - check out how they work. Very awesome!

Grady passed along this link for everyone's enjoyment.
