Events Sponsored by the Student Affairs Department
Winter Quarter 2010
The starred events (*) are a part of the leadership development series. Raffle tickets will be given at the leadership development series for the Final Field trip during Winter Quarter break. Classrooms subject to change for events.
Week 1: Welcome BBQ,
Thursday January 14th 11:30am-1:00pm.
Free food, music and entertainment!
Week 2: Ai movie night & popcorn
Tuesday, Jan 19 5:00-7:00pm, rooms 146/147
*Week 3: Speed Networking: Making Friends in a Flash!
Thurs, Jan 28, 4:30pm-6:15pm, Palette
Week 5: Student Appreciation Day- bagels & coffee
A Pick Me Up for Midterm Success,
Wed, Feb 10th, 7:45am-9:00am
*Week 6: Career Development Luncheon
free lunch & drinks for all participants!
Tues, Feb 16, 12-pm, room 146
Week 7: Ambassador Sponsored Talent Show,
Wed, Feb 24 12:00-1:00pm, patio
*Week 8: What’s Your Color?
Learn about yourself and how to communicate with friends, classmates, teachers, family,
Tues, March 2, 12-1pm, room 146
Week 9: Honorary Leadership Breakfast,
Thurs, March 11 7:30am-9:00am, Palette (for all presidents, mentors & ambassadors as well as all students that participated in all 3 of the leadership development series events).
Winter Quarter break: Final field trip for 11 raffle prize winners from the leadership development series